distance is but numbers
distance is but numbers
i always tell myself
to disregard the space between us
to kill the longing, the pain
because distance is but numbers
this is my life, no one else can see life the way i do. that is why i wanted you to know the world as i perceive it. we may not be close physically, but let us try to share the world, in my viewpoint. piece by piece, let us unravel "me" through my life's episodes...
distance is but numbers
i was at mcdo with RD, happy but confused
After a long time of spending my time at home (or my friends’ house), I went out to attend a seminar sponsored by PDI and GMA 7.
yeah. tell that to your special someone too.
i do have colds right now, feeling a bit chilly kahit mainit ang panahon. i hate this feeling...
I really haven't slept last night because i was too busy installing programs on my PC. I also have to type my sister's papers due the next day. It's ok, though. Many insomniac cyberfriends joined me until the wee hours.
we woke up early today. my family decided to go shopping today. the three-day sale will end today, so we took the opportunity to lose some pounds while strolling (or should i say managing to move past the crowd?)
well,it has been a long time since i went out with my high school friends. good thing, the group planned a monopoly/card game day at dada's house.
these days, i live for love. mushy as it sounds, these are the days that love matters to me most.
i am currently reading the hundred secret senses by amy tan. got strucked by these lines while reading:
Sa akin ang dilim. Wala nang iba pang aangkin
You know that. I don't have any reasons to do so. I love you so much.
nietzsche gave the society about the concept of the superman- a person who overcomes the conventions and expectations of the society to live life as it should be.
bakasyon na ang utak ko. pero ang dami pang gagawin bago ko masabi na tapos na ang semestreng ito.