Sunday, September 11, 2005

i felt happier in the past few days. well, there are many things that happened to me that triggered me to feel happiness in the real sense.

one factor is the feeling that you get when you long for a person after days of not seeing each other. then, you'll have the opportunity to let the person feel how much you have longed for the hugs and kisses. it's as if you own the world, and there is no one else in it. never mnd the rain. I was with RD! haaaayyyy...

i finally found someone... hehe. what else can be happier.

then there is the feeling that you are being loved by the person you love the most. there may be the physical distance between us, but i know that RD is somewhere, out there loving me from afar.

then there is the sense of satisfaction and contentment with all the things that i have done while attending the student leaders' convention sponsored by the USC. aside from gaining a lot of friends, the UP GRIFFIN seems to have hope after all.

then, slowly, i am patching things upo with my family after a long series of misunderstanding. it's not a big issue though. they just felt that i am being so secretive in the past months. they miss the old me who tells stories almost all of the time.

some of my friends told me that i lost my wallet and phone because something better will come my way. well...


At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mark! Tata here. We met yesterday at the SLC. :) ANyway I'm so glad I met you! Hope to see you around soon. :) TC!!!


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